
Why choose me?

Author: BeikeShop Release time: 2024-01-04 19:13:23 View number: 130

Why Choose Us?

You feel our site products are expensive than others?

Tell us, what kind of quality you looking for?

If compare with the price, our products definitely can't fight with other. If compare with quality, definitely ours are real enough and can't be differentiated by eyes or even touching, we only do genuine leather products, no faux or remanufactured leather. those selling 200$ wont able to show you 3-4 mins long videos as well. because they don't have quality guarantee, they not dare to show every details in zoom in shot.

You want a trusted seller who can guarantee you quality, guarantee you will receive your bag with satisfaction, and show you up to thousands videos with 3-4 mins duration, or you Prefer to spend 200$ for few times to try your luck, purchase from different sellers who selling cheaper, and wait for months or years but the sellers never ship you 1 after getting your money, or to get a bag that totally out of your expectation? (Thanks to some of our customers shared their bad experiences with us), and we know and understand what a customer Want.

We show you long videos of real snap of exact goods we are selling, we zoom in every details of the bag, we guarantee leather used are genuine. No remanufactured, or Faux leather.

We guarantee every bag we do we copy exact as the original ones.

We guarantee you will receive our bag, we guarantee no fraud.

Share us your time, follow us, stay with us, observe us, in instagram or tiktok for weeks, gain trust with us. We are truly sincerely for business

We are one of the few merchants that mainly sell high-quality products. In fact, most of the merchants sell mid-range or cheapest products, because they can be guaranteed to sell more at a lower price. I believe you all understand that when products are cheap There will be more sales in time, but actually 99% of people are selling medium or cheap products, but the actual sales of medium and low-priced products are the same as the profits we get from selling high-quality products.

Our philosophy is different from theirs, and I want to create a long-term cooperative relationship with you. I am not in a hurry to make money, I would rather take fewer orders, but serve every customer who needs high-quality products well.